Washing Up Mine Gruntz by Real One Bjarni (walktrought)


WELCOME! First of all cross the bridge. Take spring and kill all toob gruntz and take all zap colaz. And now take with armor and kill both sword gruntz. Now break brick that brick grunt built and kill him. Now break right brick and enter red teleporter trigger. Now enter blue teleporter.


Now, kill both sword gruntz, you only need to kill another one because antoher one wants to kill another one. Kill one grunt wil timebomb. Donīt worry you have pizza powerup. Now break the brickz and kill all three brick gruntz. Kill timebomerz and step on secret ? switch. Now break all three rockz, take one or two swords and kill all gruntz, but not sword gruntz only RUN from him! Now attack both gruntz, fly around stove and take with warpstone and HURRY UP intro castle.




To Snower, Mikker, Gamer and more authorz:

Create a walkrtoughtz of your levelz. That is better. Ok? Create it!

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